York, Maine
York Golf & Tennis Club of York, Maine stated March 12th, 2009. “I have been trying to not exceed 60 days between venting. When venting under snow cover the entire cover puffs up like a loaf of rising bread. We put our covers down on November 24th so we are heading into 120 days of being covered territory. Much like last year, there has been minimal frost if any under the snow. We are now mostly open and expecting single # temperatures tonight. Not worried about turf under the GreenJackets or snow but exposed greens could be damaged tonight… I will keep you informed and send pics as they are taken…I am quite certain that we would have had ice damage on the 2 covered greens this year if not for the GreenJacket IMPERMEABLE covers…I’m keeping my fingers crossed!”
These Plug photos were received March 13, 2009 “The right plug was pulled about a week ago the left one yesterday, both from the weakest part of the green, Not fantastic, but alive”
Covers removed shortly after that time.